Shocked & Appalled

Random rants


What size is it?

So LawyerMan has this partner retreat thing this weekend. I bought a dress for it last year, but of course, I can't wear that one again, so I had to go out and buy a new dress, and then I realized that none of the bras I had worked with that dress, so I had to go out and buy a new bra.

I've been measured for a bra three times since I stopped nursing, and gotten three different answers. That makes no sense.

However, I did find one yesterday that is perfect (and not in a size that any of the nice bra-measuring ladies gave me). It's this cool Donna Karan one that is cut low in the front, but here's the cool part -- the little piece that runs in between the cups in the front is that clear plastic stuff. So even if the dress does go too low (which it doesn't - quite) you still can't see anything. Perfection!


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