Shocked & Appalled

Random rants


Again, the ridiculous arrogance of bloggers. Ken Layne is quoted in this SFGate story on bloggers saying:

With the Internet and a dozen all-news channels, your average news junkie has the same resources as a paid journalist or columnist.

Um, no he doesn't. A paid journalist has things called "sources" who he "interviews" to find out news. Or does Layne think that every peice of information in existence is written up in a press release?

On his site, Layne says hes' "been a reporter, editor and columnist since the mid-1980s" and covered "dirty cops, City Hall, fires..." and a host of other stuff.

Huh. Did he get his dirty cop news from press releases, wire reports and other reporters, as he implies "paid journalists" do? Where on the Internet do I go to find the orginal source material on the fire?

Linking to other people's reporting is not the same as reporting yourself. Where exactly does Layne think the stories everyone links to come from? Moron.


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