Shocked & Appalled

Random rants


This Los Angeles Times story about E! executive Mindy Herman includes this interesting nugget

Critics say Herman ... had a particular fondness for the gift baskets given to stars who participate in awards shows.

Two years ago, according to E! sources, Herman's representatives intercepted a Grammy gift bag that had been sent to the channel for reporters Kmetko and Jules Asner, who had done a news segment on the baskets. The booty, worth several thousand dollars, included a Tumi suitcase, an Apple iPod, a weekend at an Ian Schrager hotel as well as a membership and 10 massages at the SportsClub LA in Westwood.

I'm sorry, the anchors complained because someone stole their graft? Granted, I'm not expecting the most hard-hitting journalism from E!, but that is a bit much.


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