Shocked & Appalled

Random rants


Book Stumper

This is wonderful. I've been reminded of a few books, but there's still two I can't figure out. Any takers?

TV personality makes a plea that "I wish I had a child." Four or five babies are left on his doorstep the next day. The children grow up well off, but then he disappears (plane crash) and I can't remember the rest. For some reason I thought this had something to do with the "shoes" series by Noel Streitfield, but I don't think so.

Teenagers try to solve a mystery one summer. It involves a cat whose name is eventually revealed to be Ebeneezer. They use a cassette tape recorder to solve the mystery.


  • At 11:35 AM, Blogger Moxie said…

    oh my god, I loved the "shoes" series. I read "Dancing Shoes" until it fell apart.

    Also sounds sort of "Little Princess"-y.


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