Shocked & Appalled

Random rants


This is hella fun. The Axis Applet lets you pick three countries, and tells you what they are the "Axis" of.

For example, Cameroon, Vietnam, and the Dominican Republic are the "Axis of oil-producers."

Kenya, the United Kingdom, and Australia are the "Axis of officially Anglophone, oil-producing, cricket players."


I like The Sopranos as much as, if not more, than the next guy. But if it's going to produce the psychobabble in articles like this one in Slate, I may have to call on Chase to stop it now.

Here's a quote As is so often true in treatment, especially after a hiatus, Jennifer's cupboard is not fully stocked for her "son," Tony. Like Christopher's mom, she may have the bread and marshmallow spread, but not the peanut butter.

This is a TV show people. OK, yeah, I can definitely buy that TV can be art. I mean really there's no essential difference between this and a play, and theater is considered art. But this kind of over-reading is as annoying in theater critics as it is here.