Shocked & Appalled

Random rants


oh MY

Yes, it's true. Barbra and Barry are getting back together.

My mother will plotz.

test test testy test

test test testy test


Very well-rounded

Normally, I'd think that was a comment about my butt, but in this case I'll take it.

As you can see, you scored above average on emotional intuition and above average on scientific intuition. (Weirdly, your emotional and scientific intuitions are equally strong.)

You can take the girl to the ballpark

but she'll still be a big ol' girly girl. I watched 61* last night and cried like a little baby. Billy Crystal's moving depiction of friendship and competition among the Yankees, or premenstrual hormones? You make the call.


Oy, is she in for it

Ayelet Waldman takes on attachment parenting in Salon, writing that "sanctimonious parents, who preach "breast is best" and tell you that sleep training is cruel and unusual punishment, should keep their ideology to themselves."

I'm going to stand back now, so the I don't get hit by the incoming mortar fire. Those people are crazy.