Shocked & Appalled

Random rants


This is pretty damn funny.

Yes, you say, but what about the voting percentages? More Californians voted in this special election than in the regular election! My response to this, of course, is: This is supposed to make me feel better? Californians are too damn apathetic to vote when they're supposed to and should have, but are more than happy to get off the friggin' couch for a stage-managed monkey show? I want to be clear, so there is no misunderstanding here: Every single person who voted in this election who did not vote in the actual gubernatorial election in 2002 is a complete and total fucking tool.

Hee. I'm always highly annoyed by people who can't be bothered to get off their asses and vote; it's not just your right, it's your obligation as a citizen to doso. And don't give me any whining about how hard it is, I gave birth on election day one year, and I still managed to make it to the polls.


In Allen Barra's column in Slate today, he comments that this years playoffs have many themes

"How about the theme of small-market teams having a chance to win? Well, you had Minnesota, Oakland, San Francisco, and Florida to talk about. You prefer the David vs. Goliath theme? Try Minnesota vs. the Yankees, or Florida against the Giants."

Now, I'm confused. How exactly can San Francisco simultaneously be a small market team and a Goliath?

On the other hand, he includes this gem:

"Myself, I have nothing against the Red Sox, but it can get grating to hear from commentator after commentator why we're supposed to identify with the suffering of Red Sox fans when all available evidence, from decades of blatant racism in the front office to the thugginess of their fans toward visiting teams, indicates that they so richly deserve it. (Curse of the Bambino, my butt; the Red Sox passed on a chance to sign Willie Mays.)"

So, really, the guy can't be all bad.