Shocked & Appalled

Random rants


I heart Jon Stewart

Seriously. Can we make him King or something?


Book Stumper

This is wonderful. I've been reminded of a few books, but there's still two I can't figure out. Any takers?

TV personality makes a plea that "I wish I had a child." Four or five babies are left on his doorstep the next day. The children grow up well off, but then he disappears (plane crash) and I can't remember the rest. For some reason I thought this had something to do with the "shoes" series by Noel Streitfield, but I don't think so.

Teenagers try to solve a mystery one summer. It involves a cat whose name is eventually revealed to be Ebeneezer. They use a cassette tape recorder to solve the mystery.


Mama Bear

The Heffalump needs to have her adenoids out.

This is hard. I'm pretty good at doctors and needles and stuff for me. And I'm not bad with the Little Ballerina - but she's a fairly stoic kiddo, and handles vaccines and the like with aplomb. She was even tough during her broken arm, which makes things much easier on me; kiss the tears, make her giggle, and we're past it.

But the Heffalump does not deal well with doctors. And she's had nine - NINE - ear infections before age two, so she's totally gun-shy; as soon as she sees that otoscope she starts wiggling and whimpering. The adenoid surgery should help with all of this, I know, and it's good for her, but...they want to cut into my baby. She's still small enough that I can snuggle her all up into a ball like an infant, and she smells like baby wash. Sniff.

Of course, after the exams yesterday, I had the non-mommy thoughts of "aren't adenoids, like, a totally 50s disease? Does she get a polio shot after?" And
LawyerMan and I had the same question for the doctor "So, she'll get to eat lots of ice cream, right? Or was that just the Brady Bunch?"