Shocked & Appalled

Random rants


Did you know that you are very strong?

The Monster at the end of this book was my favorite book EVER as a kid. They had a copy at my dentist's office, and I was actually happy to go the dentist so I could read it.

It had become a half-remembered thing "I know I read it at the dentist, I'm pretty sure it involved Grover," until last year, when I was over at my sister's and saw the copy she had gotten for my nephew. I pounced on it and was so incredibly excited "this was my favorite oh my gosh I love this book" that I think I scared the kid.

A few weeks later Little Ballerina and I were in the Star Market and walked past a display of Little Golden Books. I told her she could pick two. She grabbed another book (Goldilocks, I think) and then spotted Monster.

"Look Mommy! It's your favorite book! We should get this one!"

Thanks, kid. I owe you one.

Feel good movie of the year

Scarlett Johanssen was the best part of Match Point. Not because of her acting (meh), but because she walks around the film wearing a pair of Citizens and, during several scenes, has a decided muffin top.

As soon as I saw that I immediately felt good, and dove into the popcorn LawyerMan and I were sharing.


Recent reads

The Lighthouse, by P.D. James

James is an excellent writer, I always enjoy her books. But they don't work for me as mysteries. Either her writing is too opaque, or I'm just not quick enough, but when she gets to the end I'm always like "wait, how did he know that so-and-so was the killer? And that the schoolteacher was really his aunt? When did he say that?" I frequently end up flipping back through the book to see if I missed something.

Eleven on Top, by Janet Evanovich.

Again not really a mystery, but fun. I like the books, I like the Jersey girls. She's getting a bit repetitive, but occasionally, you just want something funny that doesn't make you think too hard (and it's a nice respite from chick lit for that).

Early Bird, by Rodney Rothman.

Writer for Letterman and Undeclared loses job, moves to Florida to "practice retirement." Hysterical. I don't know if it's quite as funny if you didn't have a Grandma in Century Village (yes! he actually moves into Century Village! I know!) but if you're at all familiar with that aspect of Florida, it's a hoot.