Shocked & Appalled

Random rants


Esther, Esther, Esther

Entertainment Weekly has a blog about Madonna's new song. So I cruise over to her site to listen (and, I must admit, it's way catchy. Girl can write a pop song.)

But underneath the song, and apparently underneath all the songs she's streaming over there, she's muttering what sounds like Hebrew phrases.

I mean, I know she's all into the Kabbalah and everything , but oy, genug already. I think I speak for the entire Jewish population when I say "Madge, we're flattered! But no, honey."



Lately, several of my friends have been going through major life changes. Some have been good, some have been not so good. But my life has been remarkably static. That I think has been one of the big surprises of adulthood -- that everything is more the same than I thought it would be.

In childhood, you're constantly working towards a goal. School vacation, the next test, the next grade. Even post school, in early life there were goals and objects in the future to look toward: internships, new jobs, new experiences.

Now that I feel like I've settled into a life, there's this odd feeling of waiting sometimes. Not that I want things to change, I like my life, very much so. But sometimes I'm like "ok, so what's next? Where's the next stop? What am I building towards?" And the answer is "um, the weekend? the JCC pool opens this weekend? going on a short vacation in November?"

My big goals now are not even mine, it's "Heffalump gets potty-trained," "Little Ballerina starts kindergarten" (although, oh my god, wow did she get to be that old?)

It's not a bad thing, but it's a different thing. Slower.