Shocked & Appalled

Random rants


Dalia Lithwick over at Slate has a good column on why the people so strongly opposed to gay marriage are being silly. I only take issue with one bit:

"Here's what's really undermining the sacredness of modern marriage: soap operas, wedding planning, longer work days, cuter secretaries, fights over money, reality TV, low-rise pants, mothers-in-law, boredom, Victoria's Secret catalogs, going to bed mad, the billable hour, that stubborn 7 pounds, the Wiggles, Internet chat rooms, and selfishness. In fact we should start amending the Constitution to deal with the Wiggles immediately."

I confess: I actually kind of like the Wiggles. Their songs are catchy. And Anthony is the cute one.


This press relase is disturbing on mulitple levels. The coy language seems remarkably out of place for a company that specializes in selling bikini wax kits. " 93% of women between the ages of 18 and 44 are already grooming down there."

Down there? They can't just come out and say pubic hair, or bikini area, or something like that?

Also, I really doubt that "Every Woman on Your List Wants It," despite the company's claims. I certainly wouldn't give this as a gift to say, my grandmother, or my babysitter.