Shocked & Appalled

Random rants


The French Chef

I watched Julia Child roast a chicken last night (thanks PBS!) She's explaining how to tell the age of your chicken (you cook them different ways depending on how old they are) and is going down a row of birds:

"This is a young girl here, but this one, she's "a woman of a certain age," as they say in France."

How can you not love her?


And I'll be played by Aishwarya Rai

A new movie about the women of Watergate will star Meryl Streep as Martha Mitchell, Gwyneth Paltrow as Maureen Dean, Jill Clayburgh as Pat Nixon, and Annette Bening as White House correspondent Helen Thomas.

I'm sorry, Annette Bening as Helen Thomas?

I mean, I admire the woman's contributions to journalism and all, but what, is the movie being made by her mother?