Shocked & Appalled

Random rants


So, I have hooked up my TiVo. LawyerMan got it for me for Mother's Day (he's a sweetie, isn't he?) but I futzed around for a while before hooking it up, because for some reason I thought I would need to get a splitter to run a separate cable line in, and I really didn't feel like pulling all the AV equipment out of the built-in and messing around with the wiring. And I was a little nervous to do it before the seasons ended because what if I screwed it up, and I missed the Buffy finale? The horror, the horror, I know.

But it turns out I didn't need the splitter anyway, and so it's up, with relatively little fuss.

It's neat, but I'm not yet as enthralled with the Tivo as I thought I would be. Everyone was going on and on "Oh you've got to get Tivo, oh my god TIvo changed my life. I got Tivo and now I can walk." And sure, it's fun, and I can watch Nigella whenever I want, but well... it's just ok. Mostly we use it to tape umpteen episodes of Blue's Clues so the monkey can watch it whenever she wants and we don't have to keep re-winding the tape.

And I have used to it to tape Curb Your Enthusiasm, which I adore, but so far, I'm reserving judgement on whether this is the all-time greatest TV invention ever.

So far the TV book is still champion. Now if they could somehow combine that with Tivo, we'd have a definite winner.


I don't know whether the fact that I know just about every song on VH1's 100 Greatest Songs from the Past 25 Years is good or bad. On the one hand, it's not the greatest songs from 25 years ago, it's got all the curent stuff in there too, so ok, I'm still hip. On the other hand, I still know all the words to the Go-Gos, Bon Jovi, and Duran Duran stuff on the list, so yeah, ok, I'm an old lady.