Shocked & Appalled

Random rants


Brangelina spawn

Is it me, or does this photocomposite of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt look like Rob Lowe?

Not the worst thing, I suppose.

They're here! They're here!

Went to CVS yesterday, and there they were, in a box next to all the Valentine's candy: Cadbury Creme Eggs.

God, I love those. I could eat about oh, a billion a day.

Although I'm disturbed by the "positioning" Cadbury lists: "Dip in the goo to unleash your naughty, playful side!" Dude, it's a piece of chocolate. Don't get all creepy on me.


Four things

I've been tagged by Carmen. Let's see

Four jobs I've had
1. Assistant at a vet. Best part: feeding a newborn kitten from an eye dropper. Worst part: hauling dead bodies out to the incinerator (really, even worse then cleaning out the kennel runs)
2. Carvel. Yes, I made Fudgie the Whale.
3. Temp job filing asbestos lawsuit claims at a law firm. As boring as it sounds.
4. Internship at ConEd. Cool factoid: when you're driving a ConEd van, you can pretty much park anywhere in NYC you want.

Four movies I can watch over and over
1. Raiders of the Lost Ark
2. Die Hard
3. Hope & Glory
4. Dirty Dancing

Four places I've lived
1. North Brunswick, New Jersey
2. Philadelphia
3. Morristown, NJ
4. Cambridge, MA (you can leave the east coast? Really?)

Four TV shows I love to watch
1. Lost
2. Buffy the Vampire Slayer
3. Law & Order
4. Kim Possible (yeah, ok , I claim it's for the kids)

Four places I've been on vacation
1. Disney World
2. The Bahamas
3. St. Thomas
4. London

Four blogs I visit daily
1. Overmatter
2. Go Fug Yourself
3. Manolo
4. TVSquad

Four of my favorite foods
1. coconut cream pie
2. bacon
3. peanut butter fudge
4. clam chowder

Four places I'd rather be
1. in bed, asleep
2. on a beach, asleep
3. getting a massage at a spa, asleep
4. Disney World

Four albums I can't live without
I'm not really a big music person
1. Abba Gold
2. Turnstiles
3. Welcome Interstate Managers
4. Rock Spectacle

Four vehicles I've owned
1. 1977 Datsun station wagon (technically, my parents paid for it, but it was mine, for about a month, till I totaled it)
2. Mazda Protege
3. Infiniti G20 (mother-in-law's old car)
4. Subaru Outback (mom car)

I don't have four tagees -- wah, I have no blog-friends! -- but here, Fraulein you're it.

Is it live or Will Farrell?

Watching Bush press conference just now and I realized he now sounds like he's doing an impression of himself.


I am pathetic

I just got teary at American Idol. That girl whose mother left her and her father is in jail? How adorable was she?

testy test

The Civil War was neither civil or a war. Discuss.